Hedgehogs and Moles

At the beginning of this storytime I shared that hedgehogs, moles and shrews are all part of the order Eulipotyphla, which means “truly fat and blind.”

What we read:

Ouch! by Ragnhild Scamell

  • A little longer than I usually go for, but the kids enjoyed it.

Morris Mole by Dan Yaccarino

  • Absolutely gorgeous illustrations, and I really liked the story, but it was really difficult to read in a storytime setting. The text was very small and in hard-to-read colors.

A Greyhound, a Groundhog by Emily Jenkins

  • I know, I know, groundhogs are not related to moles and hedgehogs but I was out of options, and I had been wanting to read this book. Before starting the book I did have a disclaimer that the animals were not related!

Other book suggestions:

Kite Day by Will Hillenbrand

Hedgehog’s Magic Tricks by Ruth Paul

Harriet Dancing by Ruth Symes

Hedgehugs and the Hattiepillar by Steve Wilson

Themed song:

Hedgehog, Hedgehog
(Adapted from “Teddybear, Teddybear, Turn Around”)

Hedgehog, Hedgehog, turn around.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, touch the ground.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, stretch up high.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, search the sky.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, search down low.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, touch your toes.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, sit on the ground.
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, curl up small and round.

Flannel Board:

5 Brown and Spiky Hedgehogs
Written by me

6 Colorful Hedgehogs
*I make more flannel board pieces than I need so I can have a variety of colors.

Five brown and spiky hedgehogs
Sitting on a hollow log
Eating the most delicious bugs
Yum yum
One waddled into a burrow
Where it slept for the winter
Now there are four brown and spiky hedgehogs.

Continue counting down until all the hedgehogs are asleep for the winter!


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