Dogs 2017

What We Read:

It’s Only Stanley by Jon Agee

  • The kids loooved this one! They thought it was so funny and silly! I will definitely try to read this one again!

Puddle Pug by Kim Norman

Hickory Dickory Dog by Alison Murray

Other book suggestions:

The Great Dog Wash by Shellie Braeuner

Wiggle by Doreen Cronin

Dot The Fire Dog by Lisa Desimini

Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

Say Hello to Zorro! by Carter Goodrich

The Reader by Amy Hest

A Greyhound, A Groundhog by Emily Jenkins

Puppies! Puppies! Puppies! by Susan Meyers

Themed Song:

Puppy dog, puppy dog turn around
Puppy dog, puppy dog touch the ground
Puppy dog, puppy dog reach up high
Puppy dog, puppy dog touch the sky
Puppy dog, puppy dog touch your toes
Puppy dog, puppy dog find your nose
Puppy dog, puppy dog shake your tail
Puppy dog, puppy dog run on the trail
Puppy dog, puppy dog touch your knees
Puppy dog, puppy dog sit down please

Flannel Board:

Colorful Dogs

6 Colorful Dogs

A twist on “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?”

Brown dog, brown dog, what do you see?
I see a purple dog looking at me!

From: One Little Librarian

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